2nd Priority – Emotional Health

KNOW Your WHY? What’s the mission? What’s the damned GOAL in life? Not JUST about one’s soul and spiritual life, but it’s about what we enjoy or look forward to … and that means VENTURES.

50% of our energy/focus goest to first priority, 25% energy/focus goes to this second emotional health priority, 12.5% to third priority, 6.25% to fourth priority, 3.125% to fifth priority and 1.5625% to the sixth priority … if we have 112 hrs/week to spend on health, we spend 56 hrs on first priority, 28 hrs on this second priority, 14 hrs on the third priority, 7 hrs on the fourth priority, 3.5 hrs on the fifth priority [in addition to the 56 hrs we spend sleeping] and 1.75 hrs/week on the sixth priority.

We spend 1680 minutes/week on this priority … that’s 4 hrs/day … which might be really light, but 28 hrs per week is enough … when, we’re talking about our emotional health, we are talking our business and technological VENTURES and our financial sustenance … emotional health is really about paying the bills and finding better returns on investments to better support everything that our life depends on … so 28 hrs a week is about what it takes.

In order to understand how your making enough progress, you need to have some aggravation in your life, some eustress … it’s necessary to utilize analogous thinking to that underpinning the Rate of Percieved Exertion [RPE] concept from see Exercise … emotionally, you want to feel enough RPE from your emotional exertions, that you can carry one normal conversations with other people without being overwhelmed and just not being able to process any more bullshit right now … you want to UNDER LIGHT LOAD but you still want to be EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE for people.

PILE more POSITIVE eustress on yourself … but never tolerate your bad habits, pointless activities … and certainly ditch the idea averse complainers, needy time-wasters or backward-looking oldsters who are intent on dragging you down with the negative stresses they cling to.

Ditch the causes or drivers of negative stress … while you cultivate the drivers and causes of positive eustress or high exercise.

Do not blame people for having short attention spans – if you are a professional in content marketing, you need to be more professional and find ways to work harder, work smarter and generally make your content suck less. People will have even better choices tomorrow than they do today, so level up your skills.

Push yourself harder to make yourself more relevant to people who work in the realm of ideas, but never push toward being well-liked, especially by spectators UNLESS you want to be an entertainer.

Add stress to your day [and night] by focusing more on what you know you could have done better and specifically on what you will change tomorrow to be better. Push HARDER each day toward what you know to be right for you.

NO EXCUSES. Never tolerate excusemaking [especially in yourself]. Do. Or don’t do. There is no reason to make excuses.

Light workouts, particularly things like gardening or housekeeping, as well as hobbies that are about developing skills in things like home maintenance, woodworking or gunsmithing helps us to deal with stress and to generally be more emotionally healthy … although the foundation of empotional health is spiritual health.