AI, content, journalling, podcasting, doing the reps, are all part of the IMMERSION process of self-coaching and improving the discipline ones coaching in ANYTHING … including like strength, conditioning, and mobility coaching … serious coaching, especially the most serious form of coaching or SELF-COACHING … is ALL about IMMERSION and about how we THINK.

AI is certainly changing the way that humans think … just as Google, Wikipedia and Amazon changed the way that people search for information [and become insta-experts] … just as printing press changed the way that people think about freedom and why humans are subjects why anyone should give any respect to the authority of the king. FREEDOM is not free … and, sorry GI Joe fans, freedom didn’t come from flag waving and the military … freedom came from the the way that humans THINK and then do what they need to DO in order to USE VIOLENCE in order take back their freedom. Freedom is NOT free … it will demand a SACRIFICE from you.

The POINT of Strength, Conditioning, and Mobility Coaching is that YOU need to sacrifice part of your life in order to TRAIN in order to be ready to be VIOLENT THREAT to those who would take your freedom. We can hope that we will never have to use violence … but if we are not prepared and ready, we can guarantee that we will be a victim of violence. Freedom is not free … one way or another, it will get paid for … and the price you should be willing to pay is preparation and self-discipline and self-coaching, but one way or another, the price of freedom will CONTINUE TO be paid.

Let’s start off with a deeper dive on Gemini or Bard’s answer for our question about strength, conditioning, and mobility coaching for MALES OVER 65 … we can and also will use Gemini Advanced and Copilot and a bunch of other AI … but the POINT of Strength, Conditioning, and Mobility Coaching is really META-cognition MENTAL STRENTH, MENTAL CONDITIONING, MENTAL MOBILITY, MENTAL COACHING exercise to start asking a LOT MORE questions … and then to keep asking MORE and STILL MORE and EVEN STILL MORE questions.

Asking more and more and more questions allows us to IMMERSIVELY THINK in an important topic driving HEALTH … such as Strength, Conditioning, and Mobility Coaching … and, sure AI love [or at least never sick of] getting more questions … the questions make the AI and the whole AI response better, faster, cheaper [ie, cheaper, in terms of resources consumed on the back end, even if the AI is “free” to use, the questions help tune it] for other people.

AI NEVER can get too many questions … in a way that ANY human sifu, even the most patient of the patient sifu, will at some point, get sick and tired of the smart ass’s questions … but we should REMEMBER, part of the reason the human sifu gets sick of all of the questions is that the human sifu cares enough about you as a human to get pissed off at the questions. At some point … YOU have to DO … no just try … no askey more questions … you have to DO the repetitions!

So DO the repetitions … when you get tired, go back to the fundamentals … ask Gemini, Copilot more questions … first train in the preliminaries.

Then, at some point, talk about it … remember … USE THE PODCASTERING PLAN … as part of the IMMERSION process … to THINK, internalize, DEVELOP the self-coaching and improve your discipline … you can DO the reps in very little time, but if you really want to COACH yourself, you need to think and to verbalize what you DO.

The whole point of podcastering FOR YOURSELF is about THINKING OUT LOUD and talking to yourself IN PUBLIC … and then listening to yourself and then adjusting your thinking and your talking your way through what you are doing … the WHOLE POINT is IMMERSION … IMMERSION, IMMERSION, IMMERSION … podcastering is all about THINKING and the DISCIPLINE of improving our DISCIPLINE of DISCIPLINED thought

Embrace the suck of cliches

When we look at fitness regimes, we tend to get confronted by tsunamis of cliches and locker room slogans … that stupid shit is just the nature of coaching … if you want to coach your self, you will NEED to develop your little helpful slogans and mnemonics … that’s just how it has to be. Get over it … using the CLASSIC cliches is part of the IMMERSION process to drive our thinking.

So NEVER MIND the stupid, annoying cliches! Strength and conditioning is going to be particularly heavy on cliches … but cliches get to become cliches because they have worked well for millions of people … in some ways, because it’s always going to be the three-legged stool of Development, Intensity and Consistency

You can’t just skip to the cliche answer that it’s all about CONSISTENCY … of course, it is Consistency, Intensity and Development … but your first assignment is to remove whatever is not working … so STOP BEING A CONSISTENT IDIOT!

You have DEVELOPED the RIGHT approach to bringing the INTENSITY to your daily CONSISTENCY.

Your stupid old way of doing things DID NOT WORK, because you CONSISTENTLY short-cutted your thinking on just not bothering with the details being CONSISTENTLY WRONG in CONSISTENTLY getting the MINIMAL AMOUNT done … so that you could CONSISTENTLY go right back to your old habits, maybe not right away but within a couple week or a month you FORGOT all about that undeveloped, mediocre, not thought through intensity … like you CONSISTENTLY do every time you start and exercise program.

You have to be consistent with STUDIED, COACHED, CRITIQUED, IMPROVED intensity … in order to ensure that you are actually mindfully aware, disciplined and critically encouraging with every INTENSE repitition of all of those consistenty done repetitions that you are going to do … HOW are you going to coach yourself on your reps; WHERE is the INSTENSITY going to come from?

Of course, being CONSISTENTLY INTENSE is not going to help you achieve your MAJOR goal of BETTER HEALTH with all of its supporting SMART objectives if you are optimizing the wrong things or strategically calling the wrong plays. You have to DEVELOP a balanced overall plan that you will INTENSELY improve with discipline intent CONSISTENTLY … so that why we START with the DEVELOPMENT of a syllabus – we might copy a lot of material and use a lot of cliches, but the DEVELOPMENT of our own syllabus has to be specifically DEVELOPED for us.


You will always hear the following bullet points below … because the advice is ALWAYS true, ALWAYS important … Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’ve heard that shit a million times – good advice, we all get it. No you REALLY don’t GET it … AT ALL!

That’s why you have to endure hearing it repeated over and over again, because people always disregard it … so YOU have to REPEAT these cliche bullet points over and over again to yourself and THINK about why they matter to you.:

* *Always consult with a **HEALTH**care provider before starting any new exercise program.*
* *Start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase intensity and duration.*
* *Tailor the syllabus based on the individual’s preferences, health conditions, and fitness level.*

At 65, you HAVE TO BECOME your own HEALTH provider … YOU need to IMMERSE yourself in the improvement of your HEALTH. My own goal as a 65-year-old is to be the HEALTHIEST, FITTEST 70-year-old that I can possibly be … I want to HEALTHIER tomorrow than I am today; healthier next week than I am this week, healthier next month than I am this month … HEALTH has to be built through hourly, daily, weekly progression … but building that progression is entirely about IMMERSION in the larger goal of becoming the PROVIDER of my own HEALTH. In this particular post, we are focused on PROVIDING greater STRENGTH and CONDITIONING … as part of the IMMERSION thinking in STRENGTH and CONDITIONING, as a 65-year-old man, I will need to spend a lot of time thinking about FLEXIBILITY and BALANCE to even be able to train to be stronger and to have better cardiovascular conditioning.

Obviously, as I approach my 65th birthday, I should not exactly be interested in the goals of someone winning a national championship in college wrestling, HOWEVER when I look at the RESULTS of these top flight college sports programs, I definitely see the degree to which they DEPEND UPON really great strength and conditioning coaches … top flight do not just hand players a few sheets or a little handbook with exercises and point the players to the weight room … they have highly compensated professional strength and conditioning coaches who oversee the entire strength and conditioning program with staff responsible for coaching the players through the exercises and monitoring the players’ progress in order to make daily, weekly, monthly adjustments in focus.

HEALTH has to come from IMMERSION. Immersion does mean swallowing pills or supplements. Being IMMERSED in health improvement is like being immersed in a language for the purposes of THINKING NATIVELY in that language … we have to THINK in every moment about getting to be healthier.

Nobody learns TO THINK in a language as we all THINK as natives in our language by swallowing a pill. We also do not learn to THINK as a NATIVE in a language by visiting some language professional four times a year OR every two weeks or EVEN once a day. The only way to really LEARN a language … to THINK as a native speaker thinks in a language is through total IMMERSION. If you want to provide yourself in GENUINE health – you will need tp immerse yourself in the how you get healthy. You PROVIDE better HEALTH for yourself in itsy bitsy baby steps … in the same way that you recover from when you were VERY sick, ie at first, YOU JUST WORK AT FEELING BETTER IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES OR HOUR, you AVOID all of poisons and anything that does not help your health, so that build up your health and strength, so that you can even think about what can do so that the rest of the day goes better – you work at feeling better today, so that the week goes better … you cannot DEVELOP better HEALTH by focusing on symptoms or pills or supplements or any of the typical medicial FEAR MONGERING.**

You need to IMMERSE yourself in the DEVELOPMENT of your own strength and conditioning program. For STARTERS, just to give you and outline of what to think about AT FIRST, you can ask an AI like CoPilot to develop a strength and conditioning syllabus to help you get started thinking about the discipline of developing better discipline by putting together a strength and conditioning program that actually makes sense FOR ME as I am IMMERSED IN THE THINKING about strength and condition … if I am not IMMERSED in the topic so that I am THINKING about it, as a native language speaker THINKS in his native language … there’s no chance that the strength and conditioning program will be something that I will actually do … without the IMMERSIION of THINKING about the DEVELOPMENT of the program, all that I will have is just another asinine schedules of exercises or calisthenics that any junky, fritterware fitness app tells me I should do.

So dive in to IMMERSION part of this … we can start getting immersed by fleshing out the outline of the syllabus that CoPilot has developed for me … I will need to think IN DETAIL about the following topics:

Exercise Physiology


Understand the physiological responses to exercise and how they change with age.


Cellular respiration and energy production

Cardiovascular adaptations

Muscular strength and endurance

Flexibility and joint health

Age-related changes in metabolism

Recommended Resources: Textbook: Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance by Powers and Howley 1

Strength and Conditioning


Improve functional strength, balance, and overall fitness.


Resistance training techniques

Functional movements (e.g., squats, lunges, push-ups)

Core stability exercises

Balance training

Proper warm-up and cool-down

Recommended Resources: Personalized strength training program Online videos or classes for guided workouts

Sports Medicine, Especially Injury Prevention


OLD guys need to learn about injury prevention and RECOVERY from training … and the opportunities to learn about treatment will arise.


Meditative focus to PREVENT injuries

  • when you walk, focus on the walking … ditch the music or bullshit podcast – leave your damned cameraphone at home, unless getting picture the sunrise/sunset is sorta the point of a particular walk

Mobility and flexibility exercises to PREVENT injuries

TIME management and 5S orderliness to PREVENT injuries

  • put shit away so it does not cause an accident

Nutrition for recovery

tart cherry extract


Understanding pain

40% rule

Knowing when you’re coming up on a limit

Yoga and other tactis to improve general body awareness

Rehabilitation principles [especially for old injuries]

Other Topics

  • Common sports injuries (e.g., joint sprains, muscle strains)

  • First aid/CPR/AED

Online courses or workshops on sports medicine Consultation with a sports medicine specialist

Martial Arts Training and Rehabilitation:


Enhance flexibility, balance, and mental focus.


Martial arts appreciation and study of the different forms (e.g., Traditional martial arts, Sambo, BJJ, Jeet Kune Do)

Gentle martial arts drills for seniors

Breathing techniques –Wim Hof method

Injury prevention during training

Exercises/drills to improve Mind-Body connection (e.g., Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga)

Recommended Resources: Local martial arts classes (choose low-impact styles) Books or online resources on martial arts for seniors

Sustaining Motivation and Goal Setting

Of course, consistency and sustaining the intensity through gradual progress are key … we need to think a bit about what that means for us PERSONALLY. As old geezers we kinda know way better than any stupid fiftysomething or WORSE what a wet-behind-the-ears fortysomething PUP thinks an old dog should do.

We got to this age by know what’s gonna work and what’s gonna fail MISERABLY … for example, I CANNOT buy a cool martial arts rash gaurd as a motivation to lose weight – I know that if a damned shirt is too small, having the annoying thing in my sight will MOTIVATE me to bury the shirt and never think about fasting or any kind of diet, but instead to think more about buying tasty toaster strudels and other shit that I should not eat, ie the cool rash gaurd PISSES ME OFF; it’s a DE-motivator.

So I have learn my own tricks for making excuses and getting out of shit … if I don’t NEED to make a few steps on the journey every day, I’m not just going to just magically enjoy the stupid journey … I need to create a NEED … I know that I just don’t need to stay motivated; motivation can’t be about pride or some stupid bullshit like that – the driving daily need HAS TO BE something, like landscape architecture and gardening that I NEED to do every day … the key to prioritizing safety throughout the process is all about the whole program being a series sort of small meaningful chores that need to get done every day – that’s why the whole strength and conditioning program has to involve gardening and landscaping … because I don’t give a fuck about getting in shape to make the football team.

The KEY really boils down to me having chores that I have to do every day … I can turn off and ignore a stupid fitness app – the real needs all about an IMMEDIATE WHY, something I HAVE TO DO, not a pop-up reminder from an app, but something REAL that needs attention, like a garden or an edible foodscaping project. It has to be REAL … something where I can see what I have done even it’s just something like re-positioning the geraniums to give the ones that aren’t blooming more sun and move the blooming ones into the shadier areas so their blooms last longer … there has to be a PHYSICAL, immediate WHY implicit in a daily set of chores that reminds one why he even needs to even bother with strength and conditioning. It does not work to have a distant, off-in-the-future WHY, eg I don’t want to die unfit – the distant, nebulous, off-in-the-future “it’s good for you” WHY is just not close to being good enough for an old guy.