Super Bowl ads are designed to keep POWERLESS people POWERLESS. Addictions to those products keep people stupid, helpless and defensive about their addictions. This is another way of saying, if you want a hint about what you should give up for Lent, it’s VERY SIMPLE. You should give up any product that relys upon Super Bowl advertisements; you may also want to give up spending too much time with anyone who is defensive about their addiction to consuming ANYTHING from a company that advertises during the Super Bowl.

The clever ads are designed to keep STUPID ADDICTS addicted to their POISONOUS levels of STUPID consumption … it’s not just that you would be better off spending NO money on any SuperBowl-advertised product … you would also be better off, if you somehow recieved them, GIVING THE PRODUCTS COMPLETELY AWAY or even throwing the stuff in the trash.

In the case of HYPED new vehicles, maybe you could give the vehicle to a charity OR otherwise give it to a needy friend and help him to find the local auto auction or use something like eBay to selling that brand new HYPED vehicle to someone else IMMEDIATELY … and then you could keep getting by with your old $1000 pickup or using Uber/Lyft, for those few times when you thought you needed a vehicle

The products that need to be HYPED by SuperBowl ads are designed to keep POWERLESS people POWERLESS and ADDICTED to the STUPID that propels them into powerlessness.

Avoid Super Bowl Advertisers Like the Plague They Are

I did not understand this until AFTER I started looking at how well my enterprises and investments had performed throughout my life … I got it pretty early that buying snackfoods or beer was a MORONIC waste of money, ie the products would be better off TRASHED than consumed … but the vehicle thing was tougher for me to get, maybe because I was such a complete sucker for hot vehicles, especially in my youth – but I still had okish, but CHEAP cadillacs and lincolns that I bought after they had taken that 70% depreciation hit in the first couple years … but EVEN THEN, I still was affected by the advertisements – so it was not until I was OVER 60 until I really understood the NASTINESS of wasting money on vehicles.

I SHOULD HAVE noticed it earlier … I could see that crap like a bag of Doritos was POISON … I knew that alcohol was better poured out rather than consumed … EVEN when I was only 50 or so, I kinda knew that I should generally not hang out very long AT ALL with snack-eaters OR beer-drinkers, ie I felt there was no reason to be impolite, but I keep the conversation kinda short [because having another chip or drinking another beer furnishes an ADDICTING sense of stimulation/pleasure/buzz] but …

NOW, I understand why I have to AVOID THE POISON ADDICTS with the same kind of intensity that I would avoid getting together with a bunch of heroin addicts to shoot up.

The addiction might be hard to spot because it has been SO INCREDIBLY normalized by our culture. But, once you see it, you will not UNSEE it.LOOK at the trends … NOTICE the patterns … it’s not hard to connect the dots or understand the tendencies that advertisers are attempting to foster when you start actually paying attention to what is happening and WHY these POISON consumption patterns have to be reinforced with clever advertising. Do your own homework. PAY ATTENTION to how it works!

If you wanted to start diving into this topic, you might start with a question of Google Gemini Advanced or a request to give you a listing of the top 100 advertisers in the most recent Super Bowl ranked by amount of money spent advertising during the game or halftime.

The answer that you get back is ONLY the starting point … and as with most BULLSHIT ANSWERS we get from different AI chat utilities, you will get kind of a pathetically-lame, half-assed response that will make you roll your eyes in disbelief … but, then again, since Google’s whole buisness model is based on advertising, Gemini is REALLY not going to give you a straight answer … but, it does not matter.

In spite of all the problems, the pathetic AI answer is still good enough … because we all basically KNOW the answer to the REAL question, which is …


Of course, the answer to that question … particularly for the products of Super Bowl advertisers … is that that the products really rely upon CLEVER advertisement … to CAPTIVE, possibly BORED audiences [trapped at SuperBowl parties people wish they’d stay away from] … as opposed to JIT key-words-based ads that comes with search engines or the ads that are fed from recommendation engines based on interests/trends in activies.

SuperBowl ad products are NEVER for something that you were already interested in or trying to find … those ads are for CAPTIVE, bored, PASSIVE audiences … not for people ACTIVE searching for something they need.

The products that rely on clever SuperBowl mega-media advertisement are absolutely TERRIBLE for you to consume … they are POISONS that cannot begin to sell themselves on their own merits or a careful cost/benefit analysis.

UNDERSTAND why mega-media advertisement works to harvest ALL of the ADDICT population’s availalble income

LOOK at the trends … NOTICE the pattern … it’s not hard to connect the dots when you are actually paying attention to what kinds of advertisements are useful in helping you find some obscure thing you need or some trusted source has told you about.

These following industries traditionally ALWAYS HAVE TO shell out the most during the Super Bowl … poison vendors HAVE TO do it this way… because their POISON advertisments live rent-free in the brains of POISON ADDICTS passively watching entertainment:

  • Empty-calorie, pathologically ADDICTIVE beverages: Anheuser-Busch InBev (Bud Light, Budweiser, Michelob Ultra, etc.), PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, GatorAde, other beverage products that you should AVOID … it’s not really that the products are over-priced, although they are … it’s that you should not swallow this crap even if you were paid to drink it!

  • IMPOVERSISHING automotive products that make people both poorer and generally less fit: General Motors, Toyota, Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler), Kia … ask anyone who retired before they were 50 if they are happy about the capital that they COMPLETELY SQUANDERED on unnecessary automotive purchases; successful investors take risks and lose money, but no investment EVER is worse than money squandered on a new car … automotive culture WEAKENS and IMPOVERISHES because modern automotive products are designed to be horrendously bad investments and necessarily over-advertised because they are nothing but the phony ILLUSION of STATUS that comes from ostentacious display of superficial wealth..

  • RECURRENT SUBSCRIPTIONS that people tend to forget about OR worse, end up over-using to justify the big annual subscription … in tech and streaming services: AmazonPrime, YouTubePremium, Netflix, Disney+/ESPN, etc.

  • SECOND-RATE, SUBSTANDARD movies and entertainment that just sucks on the material’s own [lack of] merit … advertisers need to hype the kind of stuff that people will not particulary remember and just generally would be better off never watching … especially bigger-budget, celebrity content from top-heavy, high overhead movie studios who rely on things like Super Bowl advertisements to hyper-promoting upcoming releases and entertainment … the likes of Disney, Universal, Warner Bros, Paramount, et al that tend to produce MAJOR disappointments and BRAZENLY open mainstream “active measures” propaganda advocating irresponsible lifestyle choices that degrade cultures… rather than the kinds of indie content that spreads by word-of-mouth directly from individual REAL PEOPLE who actually were MOVED to make a recommendation TO HELP THEIR FRIENDS.

  • ENGINEERED-TO-BE-ADDICTIVE snacks and ulta-processed quasi-edible garbage : Doritos, M&Ms, and other snack giants.

The companies selling stuff that you are stupid for consuming are not idiots … they KNOW that those advertisements work to get idiots to buy the POISON.

If you consume ANYTHING from a company that advertises during the Super Bowl, you really need to RETHINK your consumption habits.

But … just in case, you needed any clarification … the list of Super Bowl advertisers should confirm your list of what kinds of POISONS TO AVOID AT ALL COST.


It’s not JUST that we don’t watch Super Bowl advertisements … it’s not JUST that we avoid Super Bowl advertisers like the plague they are … WE minimize the time we spend with any POISON ADDICTS who consumes any of these kinds of POISONS … you cannot get ADDICTS away from defensive over-consumption of their POISONS … you don’t exactly need to shun them or give up on them, but you can cease to stop EVER giving them any affirmation their decision to poison themselves is OK with you … STOP AFFIRMING STUPID CHOICES OF YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY! STOP IT!!!

You don’t need to be mean about not participating in someone else’s self-destruction … you can just politely tell them something like, “Nah, thanks for the invitation and I do appreciate the invitation, but I’ve totally tapered off my consumption of X and if you have me there while you’re swallowing X, I’ll be reminding you of the fact that you’re a LOSER ADDICT who is poisoning yourself and everyone around you.”

Avoid Super Bowl Advertisers Like the Plague They Are

LOOK at the trends … NOTICE the pattern … it’s not hard to connect the dots when you are actually paying attention to what is happening and WHY these patterns get reinforced with clever advertising. PAY ATTENTION!