Your luck surface area

You have a natural luck catching surface that is akin to a watershed catching rain or cropland or field solar collectors or a sail on sailboat … an area that is far from flat but is instead a complex, undulating surface that is constantly soaking up great luck from the Universe … but way too many people work far harder at becoming more and more addicted stupid shit … they not only indulge bad habits and imitating others just generally being miserable because they feel they must covet what other people have OR judge whether others are righteous … being covetous or judgemental or gossiping about other people ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make the idiots more stress, more anxious, more miserable, longing for old days … as time moves on, the old stressed-out crybabies become sicker, older and generally less and less lucky in everything they do.

The FACT of the matter is that every single living human has some sort of complex, undulating, naturally flexible luck catching surface area … AND every single human has vulnerablities, habits and stiff-necked tendencies that most humans tend to be excessively defensive about, ie people feel sorry for themselves, they want to see themselves as martyrs fighting for a noble cause … the fact of the matter is that Jesus Christ died for our sins … our biggest problem is not accepting Christ as our path to be one with the ORIGIN of all Origins … we fail to be humble enough to let the Holy Spirit take over our lives and allow us to be filled with the spirit of God, to able to bloom like a field of lilies … we could be attracting pollinators and birds; we could planting and transplanting flowers … instead, we are proud of the disgusting status symbols of imaginary American affluence as we bathe in noise we make with our leafblowers and pour money and gas into the riding lawn mowers that haul our atrophied corpses of bodies around on our lifeless lawns.

The NECESSITY of perspective and priorities.

First things FIRST. First, we need to understand the framework of perspective and priorities.

We LOVE our Creator above all else … we don’t love the idea of some magical Old Man or Santa Claus something like a Greek or Roman or Hindu or Viking mythical god … we LOVE the Originator of all Origins … we DEFINE the word GOD as this Grand Originator … the root cause of even the principles from which our most basic assumptions unfold … God is matter of semantics, not religion or faith … to deny God is to deny that one’s origin, to deny one’s existence at that moment … we LOVE God, the Creator, the Originator of all Origins above all else … this is ALL about terminology; refuse to tolerate divisive idiots who want to divide humans into different theistic camps.

We DEFINE God as whatever IT was … something able to transcend mere powers of understanding or consciousness, which human’s can ever understand … an entity, the force, the origin of ALL laws and principles that brought about everything in the Universe into existence AND not just brought it into existence but could also create infinite numbers of different laws, different principles of infinite numbers of different Universes.

It’s a DEFINITION of terms … semantics … the definition of what we mean by the term “God” is not a matter of BELIEF! Believing that any human can ever understand the nature of God IS a matter of truly IDIOTIC faith … we can have ideas and questions about God, but we simply cannot ever KNOW … we cannot KNOW the Mind of God … we can only appreciated and LOVE God … it boils down to the simple, undeniable fact that we humans, as individuals or as a total group, can never be the equal of God. We can LOVE God and we must FEAR God … but we can never be God’s partner or God’s equal.

It’s NECESSARY to understand the significance of what terminology generally means for how we THINK.

We learn a language, through immersion in it, to communicate with those we love/trust as NATIVE speakers. Language is not exactly how we think, but it is how we express our thoughts to other humans.

We DEFINE our terms, so that we can speak to others and convey ideas … the word “God” is shorter than saying “whatever IT was, the entity, the force, the origin of ALL laws and principles that brought about everything in the Universe into existence AND not just brought it into existence but could also create infinite numbers of different laws, different principles of infinite numbers of different Universes” … everytime what we want to speak about THE GRAND REASON for why we have ANYTHING, including even the mind to think about what it means to BE or to have anything, not just possessions, but even something very more basic like senses to experience pain or eyes to see or eyes to blink.

The word “God” is ONLY about the WORD we use to convey the very huge idea of the grand ORIGIN of everything … but there ARE truly evil people who want to use WORDS to cause hate and arouse enmity and create division where there there should be none.

We cannot repeat this enough … we DEFINE God as The Origin … the thing driving everything that brought us into existence … the REASON that our brains boot up at the start of our days; the originating, grand REASON for everything has happened so that we even get to think about what it means to think … God’s name for God’s self is “I AM” … we ascribe pronouns to God, but God’s pronoun really is just I … and the only verb God needs to use is AM. Because God is literally the initial origin of EVERYTHING that is, ever was, and ever will be … this is not debatable; instead, it is matter of DEFINITION of terminology and the words we use in our language to convey ideas … it’s not a matter of belief.

Grappler’s mindset

A grappler’s mindset or a grappling lifestyle, for me, is about grappling with the angel of the Lord … in a match, with a clock ticking but I don’t know for sure how much time I have left or what the score is … but me recognizing that I have to make moves because the time left in the match is limited, but as I move through the moments, I need to be actively looking ahead and doing whatever I can in every moment to make the future moments of my existence BETTER, MORE PRODUCTIVE in every sense of the word, all toward the goal of being a better Christian.

OBVIOUSLY, the grappling mindset is mostly a metaphor … of course, I do want to be healthier, stronger, more fit, more productive, more able to overcome challenges that are coming … so that I can consistently develop the discipline so that I can be more and more productive in working on myself and working toward the goal of becoming a better Christian.

For Christians, there can be no other day in the year that is more genuinely worthy of a SPECIAL day of celebration than the Sunday that is coming up. Easter is THE reason we are Christians; the CELEBRATION of Easter really MATTER to us.

Why sports, games, hobbies matter

Humans play. We play with ideas and concepts. We play with designs and mechanisms. We play in order to understand the magic of something. We play in order to understand and dissect how things work. Humans LOVE playing.

We should always practice like we play … and if we don’t enjoy playing at something, we should probably not be playing that game … there are way too many OTHER things to play at … it’s MORONIC to force kids to play games that they don’t want to play … we are uniquely creative beings, with MULTIPLE ways to play at different things … we should be able to find something that we enjoy playing at … and we should be able to find ways to play at that thing that are meaningful and enjoyable to us … it’s not that difficult … don’t do stupid shit that you hate because other people IMAGINE that you’d enjoy it – they have a giant deficit in their imagination and should stick to minding their own business.

We engage in playing games because we enjoy every last thing about the play of the game immensely … when we say that we LOVE those games … it’s kind of a figure of speech … it’s not exactly like our LOVE of our Creator or our LOVE for the most ORIGINAL of all of our earlies ORIGINs … but that LOVE is child-like love of play, love of thinking, love of experimentation … our love of games is matter of PURE, UNADULTERATED, COMPLETE, WHOLE enjoyment of what it’s like to think freely about something we kind of understand and want to understand better.

But when we LOVE something … like the sport of wrestling or jiu jitsu … we have to realize that love is extremely FINITE … and we really should understand that not everybody’s going to be into our game … not everyone else will exactly share that love OR define their success OR will share our personal unique love of the sport … although that love of the sport will be, like language is, is an uncommonly, extra special way of communicating with other humans.

We really HAVE to keep our LOVE of the sport in perspective … we have to prioritize that LOVE according to other things that we need to attend to in order to get by in life.

For example, we will need money to pay our bills in life … we don’t need billions or even millions or fancy things … we might JUST love wrestling or maybe jiu jitsu so much that we can have a very ascetic lifestyle and do not really need or want anything else … but we still need to be responsible and figure out how we are going to pay our bills … it’s not responsible to be financially irresponsible and be like a child forever and have some parent figure or coach or wealthy philanthropist arrange to pay for our wrestling … when we do something like that, beyond a certain point in life, it’s kind of abnormal and we can almost expect to be abused [even though it’s still a CRIME to abuse someone who is mentally handicapped or developmentallyy disabled or child-like or unable to manage their affairs, eg a senior citizen with demential] … we should allow ourselves to be put in a position where we can be abused … thus, we should be responsible for ourselves and our own affairs.

But if we are responsible for ourselves and our own affairs, we can still LOVE our sport of wrestling or jiu jitsu … we just need to keep things in apprpropriate perspective and prioritize our LOVE of the sport according to other things that we need to attend to.

When we LOVE something, we should do those those things that allow us to enjoy it to the fullest extent possible … we should be able to enjoy it in a way that is not harmful to ourselves or others … in fact, if it’s a true love that is really justifiable, we should look for those ways or those opportunities for ways for that LOVE help pay its way.

For example, a wrestling lifestyle or jiu jitsu lifestyle, can/will keep us healthier and more fit and better able to enjoy a full life AS WE AGE … we might not want to grapple [at full speed] with others after a certain age, but we can still do drills, work through moves and techniques, watch competitions and discuss strategies and tactics with others … we can still be involved in the sport in a way that is meaningful and enjoyable to us; if our LOVE of the sport is genuine, we don’t need to be spending time at the top of the winner’s podium at the Olympics or the NCAA Tournament … we can find all kinds of other ways to be involved in the sport that are still meaningful and even more enjoyable as we age … in fact, when we find ourselves hating age, hating getting older and just generally frustrated and grumpy, we need to recognize that we’re doing something wrong and that we need to ADAPT our a wrestling lifestyle or jiu jitsu lifestyle to changing realities.

The 86400 seconds per day

There are 86400 seconds/day … no more. The ONLY asset that we REALLY have in life is TIME. It is up to us to manage that time in a profitable manner.

Hopefully, we should recognize why it is fundamentally EVIL to despise our existence or something similar

We should never to want to kill time out of boredom or waste time for the sake of wasting it or getting rid of it, although it’s fine for us to take a break and relax and do nothing for a while, just think or play games … but, mostly, we should recognize that boredom or depression or despair is a sign that we have been doing things wrong in some way.

We have somehow failed to be creative in the sense that our Creator would expect us to be … we should be more active, more aggressively USING our time … even, if at first, it feels like we’re just moving for the sake of movement, staying busy for the sake of staying busy … but, as a general rule, we all kind of know that life is better when we are USING our time in a better fashion to try to accomplish tiny little things which might somehow be meaningful [as we defining “meaning” to ourselves] or possibly positive in some way to the Universe and somehow profitable in some way that we might imagine our Creator would find profitable … although we should recognize that “profit” is an arbitrary value-judgement – every individual is unique, with unique experiences and backgrounds that shape our personal judgements of values – it’s both a stupid waste of our time and fundamentally EVIL AS LIVING HELL to ever judge others. Since we have been shaped by different capabilities and life experiences, we are fundmentally INCAPABLE of even being able to value things in the same way.

But we MUST value our time according to our value judgements, or else we waste it. One of the best ways that we have to assist us in VALUING something nebulous like our time is to recognize the implications of the fact the asset is EXTREMELY SCARCE … and we cannot really buy more of our time, although we can invest our current time to make our future time more healthy, more enjoyable, more productive.

For example, I might believe that I will live roughly as long as the actuarial tables suggest that my life expectation is; perhaps, my genetic heritage will give me a slightly longer life expectation, but even so, I should be able to develop a reasonably accurate expectation of how long I will live … that expectation might be that I have 7500 days more to live; that sounds like a lot, but every single day that life expecation will decrease … it’s obviously even true that every single SECOND that passes brings my ultimate demise nearer … and it’s also true that with each passing moment or fraction of a second, I can be either INTELLIGENTLY improving or carelessly, STUPIDLY destroying the health, fitness, productivity of all of my future moments … since I have 86,400 seconds to USE each day; I should generally be trying to IMPROVE the usefulness of my future allotments seconds … but, mostly, I have to just LIVE and APPRECIATE the spectacular gift of Life … but I should be extremely careful to be smarter, more mindful, more disciplined in my GRATITUDE FOR LIFE, which is partly about TRYING HARDER to avoid anything that undermines my future VERY FINITE allotment of seconds.

In other words, Life is SPECTACULARLY GREAT, especially when one removes the stupid bad habits of being oneself. It’s way too easy for humans to succumb to the desire for more comfort; we are so wired to be pleasure-seeking that it is easy to fall into various kinds of subtle addictions … because there are lots of industries that are based on rationalizing, encouraging, adverstising, prospecting and closing deals based on recurrent addictions to some sort of comfort as that industries way to have acquire a steady stream of payments for wealth or different forms of power. It might be fine for me to use heavy doses of pain-killers when I am at the point where I don’t have very long to live at all, but it is IDIOTIC for me to use any kind of drug [including alcohol or addictive snack items] or sedative or pain-killer which generally undermines my future capabilities [until I am at the point where I don’t really have much of a future and might die in the next few hours, days or weeks].

Not all drugs are equal; they all have their own mechanisms AND, more importantly, drugs affect different people in different ways … not everyone is able to MODERATE their consumption of drugs in the same manner. Some people might not ever develop much of an addiction to pizza or snacks, such that they don’t understand the fuss over addictiveness of snacks or pizza – but those same people might drink four or five microbrews every day with maybe shots of whiskey on the weekends and not believe that they have a problem [although they will find out their liver disagrees] as long as they get up and go to work everyday and go to the gym to stay in shape … there might be nothing wrong with being a highly-functioning lifelong alcoholic, because some really do live [and live WELL] to be well over 100 by enjoying a stiff drink or two every day, but WAY TOO MANY of my functioning alcoholic friends did not see their 60th birthdays because THEIR liver really needed them to MODERATE their alcohol consumption. Another example would be coffee or tea. These drugs might help connoiseurs to feel far better in the morning and the available scientific literature certainly strongly indicates that caffiene actually has some very beneficial effects on future capabilities and prevention of certain diseases, eg Parkinsons and neurodegenerative disease, but that benefit is ONLY possible if the connoiseur is able to CONSUME IT IN MODERATION … of course, caffiene is still an addictive drug and if someone cannot moderate their consumption [to keep well below the BUZZ level]; caffiene is bad news if one finds oneself craving increasingly heavier doses [of espresso] to get an enjoyable, but anti-productive caffiene buzz, then then one is probably better off without the caffiene.

The IMPORTANT point is … a person has to know their own body, their own genetic pre-dispositions and to have some self-awareness of their own habits and tendencies in order to make the best decisions about how they optimize their 86400 seconds of each day. I try really, really, really hard not to judge others … but I am truly ashamed of those times when I switched on a television, maybe in motel room when I was traveling [since I have NEVER, as an adult, actally had a television in my house] thinking that I was bored and just wanted to forget about work and kill some time … and, of course, what I am even more ashamed of are those times when I got loaded for the sake of just getting loaded OR EVEN WORSE, when I encouraged others to have a bunch of drinks with me because I didn’t want to drink alone. ABUSING alcohol … or for that matter ABUSING snack consumption … is a sign that I am not really appreciating the gift of life that I have been given … it’s a sign that I am not really valuing my time in a way that is profitable to me or to others … it’s a sign that I am not really being grateful for the gift of life that I have been given.

USE it or LOSE it

We ONLY have 86400 seconds per day … but we can do A LOT in a few seconds when we THINK about how much we can get done in very few seconds … think about how much we accomplish if we JUST ROLL for about or 14.4 minutes or 864 seconds [just 1/100th of our day] … in less than 14 minutes, we can do sets of drills in which we pretend that we’re have two a three period matches, one right after another, each with a 3 minute period on our feet, 2 minutes on bottom and 2 minutes controlling from the top position … 23 + 22 + 2*2 is 14 minutes or 840 seconds.

We need to USE all of those 86400 seconds … if we don’t USE them, we LOSE them.

PAY Attention

We can optimize the use, just by paying closer attention … when we walk, we need to paying attention and focusing on WALKING as perfectly as we have ever walked … when we go up and down stairs, we need to PAY ATTENTION and focus on hitting each step exactly right and not just having the best stair climbing or stair descending experience ever but focusing on the little habits of doing it so that we get better as we age… at night, when we sleep–or even if we take short naps during the day–we have to have paid attention beforehand to optimizing our overall sleep hygiene before we sleep, so that each second of sleep we get through the night can be some of the best, most restful seconds of sleep we’ve ever had.

The MORE that we PAY ATTENTION … the more able we will be to actually pay attention to what matters … and to stop wasting any time hating or being frustrated or pissed off about shit that just ain’t gonna matter.

USE the tools, particularly in information technology, to BRAINSTORM better ideas

We have far better tools nowadays to accomplish things that we have ever had before … especially in the realm of information technology.

We need to USE those tools, particularly those like AI and advanced information technology tools that are almost cost-free … increasingly that means that we need to be much more adept at using information technology in general and artificial intelligence in particular.

I asked my favorite AI assistant to brainstorm a list for me of 200 different things in the realm of activities, nutrition, lifestyle, furniture and social interactions that I can work on to help me improve upon my wrestling or jiu jitsu lifestyle as I age. I want to stay flexible healthy, physically and mentally fit, but I cannot compete or train physically with grappling partners any more because I am almost 65 and cannot afford to sustain an injury.

We use AI to brainstorm lists like this in order to better use our time … the list is FAR from perfect, but it’s okay at what it’s intended to do … to get us STARTED THINKING … or to get us to STOP THINKING about the bullshit that our untamed mind wants to bitch about … the AI list is ONLY THE START OF THE BRAINSTORMING PROCESS … it gives us a QUICK START, faster than we can think one up ourselves … but we will, of course, need to throw out a lot of junk AI produces … but the speed of generating these lists means will also need to delve deeper and ask for more brainstormed lists on the things that are worth pursuing … MORE IDEAS are necessary to grind up the bin of ideas to produce the VERY FEW ideas that we should DO.

For example, if you have 7500 days left to live, you can work on seven or eight little things everyday to improve your jiu jitsu … especially if you have learned that you have to do jiujitsu to even be able to get out of bed – if that’s true of you, you will need to find 50,000 things to improve your jiu jitsu. NOBODY starts out having that list – we all have to build it … we LOVE jiu jitus because we have LEARNED that as long as our mental and physical lives depend upon physical health, we have to LOVE jiu jitsu. Or else. It might not be easy if we are not attracted to physical exercise — we have to FIND A WAY to love jiu jitsu.

Accordingly, my WORKOUT list is a work in progress that began with a AI-brainstormed 200 different things that a 65-year-old can work on to improve your wrestling or jiu-jitsu lifestyle as you age, focusing on activities, nutrition, lifestyle, furniture, and social interactions that can help you stay flexible, healthy, and physically and mentally fit: