This syllabus covers a wide range of topics in graph theory, from the basic definitions and terminology to advanced concepts and applications. It includes modules on graph algorithms, combinatorial aspects of graph theory, algebraic and structural graph theory, random graphs and probabilistic methods, and various applications of graph theory in different fields.

By following this syllabus, learners will gain a solid foundation in graph theory and develop the necessary skills to apply graph-theoretic concepts and techniques to solve real-world problems. The modular structure allows for flexibility in learning, enabling learners to focus on specific areas of interest while still maintaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Introduction to Graph Theory (20 modules):

1-4: Definition of graphs, vertices, edges, and basic terminology

5-8: Types of graphs (directed, undirected, weighted, bipartite, etc.)

9-12: Graph representations (adjacency matrix, adjacency list, edge list)

13-16: Subgraphs, induced subgraphs, and graph isomorphism

17-20: Paths, cycles, and connectivity in graphs

Graph Traversal or graph search and NP-hard algorithms such as the Traveling Salesman Problem, maximum flow problems maze generation problem (30 modules):

21-24: Depth-First Search (DFS) and its applications

25-28: Breadth-First Search (BFS) and its applications

29-32: Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall)

33-36: Minimum Spanning Trees (Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms)

37-40: Topological sorting and its applications

41-44: Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju’s and Tarjan’s algorithms)

45-50: Network flow problems (Ford-Fulkerson, Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem)

Graph Theory and Combinatorics (30 modules):

Graphs are fundamental objects in combinatorics. Considerations of graph theory range from enumeration (e.g., the number of graphs on n vertices with k edges) to existing structures (e.g., Hamiltonian cycles) to algebraic representations (e.g., given a graph G and two numbers x and y, does the Tutte polynomial TG(x,y) have a combinatorial interpretation? The combinatorial interpretation of the Tutte polynomial provides a powerful tool for studying the structure and properties of undirected graphs, and it has applications in various areas, including network reliability, quantum computation and statistical physics, and knot theory and knot mathematics.). Although there are very strong connections between graph theory and combinatorics, they are sometimes thought of as separate subjects. While combinatorial methods apply to many graph theory problems, the two disciplines are generally used to seek solutions to different types of problems.

51-54: Degree sequences and graph realization

55-58: Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, cycles, and paths

59-62: Matching theory and Hall’s Marriage Theorem

63-66: Ramsey theory and its applications in graph theory

67-70: Extremal graph theory and Turán’s Theorem

71-74: Graph coloring (vertex coloring, edge coloring, chromatic number)

75-80: Independent sets, cliques, and graph Ramsey numbers

Algebraic Graph Theory (30 modules):

81-84: Graph spectrum and eigenvalues of adjacency matrices

85-88: Laplacian matrix and its properties

89-92: Algebraic connectivity and Fiedler vector

93-96: Graph automorphisms and orbits

97-100: Cayley graphs and group theory

101-104: Expander graphs and their applications

105-110: Graph limits and graphons

Structural Graph Theory (30 modules):

111-114: Trees, rooted trees, and their properties

115-118: Planarity and Kuratowski’s Theorem

119-122: Graph minors and the Robertson-Seymour Theorem

123-126: Perfect graphs and the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem

127-130: Chordal graphs and their characterizations

131-134: Interval graphs and their applications

135-140: Cographs and the modular decomposition

Random Graphs and Probabilistic Methods (30 modules):

141-144: Erdős-Rényi random graph model

145-148: Probability thresholds for graph properties

149-152: Concentration inequalities and the alteration method

153-156: Lovász Local Lemma and its applications

157-160: Random regular graphs and their properties

161-164: Markov chains and mixing times on graphs

165-170: Probabilistic existence proofs and the second moment method

Graph Theory Applications (30 modules):

171-174: Graph theory in computer networks and distributed systems

175-178: Graph-based machine learning and data mining

179-182: Computational biology and bioinformatics applications

183-186: Graph theory in social network analysis

187-190: Graph-based algorithms in computer vision and image processing

191-194: Graph theory in operations research and optimization

195-200: Interdisciplinary applications of graph theory (physics, chemistry, neuroscience)